Ivan tea belongs to plants from the willowherb family. For this reason it is often called willowherb. Weed is widespread in the northern hemisphere. It has a rich chemical composition. Ivan tea has beneficial properties for men due to its active effect on the prostate.
general information

Willowherb is a perennial plant. It is one of the medicinal herbs widely used in folk medicine. It is a member of the cypress family. The plant is classified as narrow-leaved willowherb tea by appearance.
Ivan grass is characterized by a rich composition. Its components are:
- tannins contained in the rhizome and leaves;
- mucus, including polysaccharides;
- Cellulose;
- proteins from the group of lectins;
- Vitamin C;
- Sugar;
- organic acids;
- flavonoids;
- Pectin;
- Copper;
- alkaloids;
- Manganese;
- vegetable phenols (tannin);
- Iron.
In a certain concentration, the composition of the herb includes calcium and potassium. The plant also contains lithium and boron.
Notice!A feature of Ivan tea is the absence of traces of caffeine.
What is useful fireweed? Due to its rich composition, it has a wide range of beneficial properties for the human body. These include:
- strong anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of tannins in willow grass;
- enveloping effect by polysaccharides (mucus);
- antitumor effect, which allows the use of grass in oncological diseases;
- antiviral effect, due to which fireweed can be used in the treatment of herpes;
- providing an antiallergic effect on the body;
- anti-edematous effect, which allows the use of Ivan tea in the treatment of gastric ulcer;
- wound healing effect;
- calming effect on the nervous system (indicated in neurosis, epilepsy);
- antispasmodic effect;
- vasodilating effect due to the presence of coumarins in the composition.
Useful Ivan tea for blood. The herb increases hemoglobin, normalizes blood composition and regulates acid-base balance in vessels.
Willowherb improves digestion and metabolism. Ivangras is a powerful antiseptic.
A drink based on fireweed has a diuretic effect. It cleanses the body of toxic compounds and can be prescribed for anti-aging treatments.
Weed can be purchased from various locations. It is sold in specialized tea shops. Tea based on it is also sold in pharmacy chains. You can buy willow grass online for a cheaper price.
therapeutic effect

Willowherb for men is useful for the following reasons:
- The zinc it contains increases the production of testosterone in the male body.
- The calming effect of drinking Ivan tea leads to a reduction in general tension. The calming effect contributes to the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the stronger sex, which arose against the background of nervous tension.
- The tannin contained in willowherb has an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the element, the plant can be taken both for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
- Flavonoids and coumarins eliminate inflammation throughout the urogenital system.
- Vitamins of groups A, B, C improve the composition of male semen, which leads to increased male potency.
- Chlorophyll normalizes the hormonal background in the male body.
- The minerals contained in Ivan tea have a strengthening effect on the male body. Metabolism and spermatogenesis normalize. The tissues and membranes of the genitourinary system are restored faster.
- The plant improves blood structure and thereby increases blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis. When using willowherb, an increase in erection is noted, male strength and the duration of sexual intercourse increase.
- Ivan tea removes toxins and stimulates male reproductive function.
- The herb restores the intestinal microflora, prevents constipation and constipation in the pelvic area, thereby reducing the risk of prostatitis and other infections of the genitourinary system.

Is it possible to increase the potency of Ivan tea? It contains zinc compounds, B vitamins, chlorophyll and flavonoids that have a positive effect on the prostate.
When they enter the body, there is a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate. Trace elements improve secretion, which increases sexual desire.
Substances normalize the hormonal background, making the man's interest in sex life stable and constant.
Ivan tea has a high therapeutic effect in inflammation of the prostate. The plant is indicated for all forms of prostatitis, prostatic adenoma and erectile dysfunction. Willowherb acts as a stimulant of male potency. It is also recommended for the prevention of cancers of the genitourinary system.
Ivan tea recipes for potency

Ivan tea for men can be prescribed both in the form of tea leaves and in the form of tinctures. There are several ways to brew fireweed:
- A large spoonful of dried and finely chopped fireweed flowers and leaves are taken. The mixture is poured with boiling water in an amount of 220 ml. The container is tightly wrapped with a woolen cloth and infused for an hour. The infusion is filtered and drunk 60 ml four times a day before each meal. The drink is recommended for men with reduced potency. The therapy lasts 6 weeks.
- The willowherb rhizome, previously ground into powder, serves as the basis. Enough 60 g of the mixture, which is poured into 210 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused until cool. The tincture is taken 4 times a day, 25 g, half an hour before meals.
- Fresh willowherb tea is prepared. A large spoonful of specially fermented willowherb tea is taken and poured with boiling water in an amount of 220 ml. Tea is infused for no more than 10 minutes. In the future, it is filtered and drunk up to 70 ml four times a day. Fresh tea must be brewed before each use.
- A brew based on fresh willowherb. Take fresh leaves with flowers. Enough 10 pieces of each component. Everything is poured with boiling water and the mixture is put on a low fire. The drink should steep for 20 minutes. Then he makes an effort. The broth must cool, after which it can be consumed inside. Half an hour before each meal, it is enough to drink 1/3 of a glass of broth.
Willowherb for men can be taken in the form of an alcohol tincture. It is intended for the treatment of prostatitis. For its preparation it is recommended to take fresh grass flowers. 50 g is enough. The mixture of flowers is poured into 0. 5 liters of high-quality vodka.
The liquid is infused for at least 7 days. The finished tincture is taken 25 g twice a day for the entire period of acute prostatitis or an episode of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.
special instructions

The more useful the drink, the more it can harm health.It is not recommended to combine Ivan tea with sedative drugs..
Along with them, the herb can enhance the sedative effects, which can lead to nervous system dysfunction.
Since the plant can have an antipyretic effect, it is also not recommended to combine intake with similarly acting drugs. A combination of drugs can cause a sharp drop in body temperature.
It is not recommended to give weed to children under 2 years old. Willowherb tea may only be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers after consulting a specialist.
Coumarin with prolonged ingestion into the human body can provoke injury to the liver. It is important to pause when drinking Ivan tea. Daily consumption of the drink for more than two weeks leads to stomach and intestinal problems.
Ivan tea for men is contraindicated in the following cases:
- the risk of developing thrombophlebitis;
- Tendency to allergies to individual components of willow grass;
- varicose veins;
- hypotension (low blood pressure);
- Thrombosis;
- Diarrhea;
- Liver disease in severe forms.
Important!When consumed, the plant thickens the blood, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots.
It is not recommended to consume a drink with a high risk of thrombosis.
The simultaneous benefits and harms for men of the plant are as follows:
- frequent use of Ivan tea has a laxative effect, which improves stool mass, but provokes frequent diarrhea and dehydration;
- Coumarin dilates blood vessels, but at the same time worsens the condition of the human liver with prolonged ingestion;
- Excessive consumption of willowherb-based tea enhances the sedative effects, further leading to lethargy and apathy.
An excess of vitamins A, B, C in the body due to the use of Ivan tea can lead to the development of an allergic reaction in a man. It manifests itself in the form of hives and severe itching.
Many properties have been studied, which is useful for Ivan tea. The plant has beneficial effects on all body systems. A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect allows you to prescribe fireweed for diseases of the prostate in men.
Due to the presence of zinc and vitamin B, the herb can be taken to increase potency and improve the quality of sex life. At the same time, long-term use of herbal teas leads to an increased risk of blood clots.